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- “Klein, Lie, and their early Work on Quartic Surfaces,” Essays on the History of Modern Mathematics: a Festschrift for Umberto Bottazzini, Milano, to appear in 2018.
“Segre, Klein, and the Theory of Quadratic Line Complexes,” From Classical to Modern Algebraic Geometry: Corrado Segre’s Mastership and Legacy, G. Casnati, A. Conte, L. Gatto, L., Giacardi, M. Marchisio, A. Verra, eds., Trends in the History of Science, Trends in the History of Science, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2017, 243-263.
“Geometria superiore,” in Storia della scienza, ed. Sandro Petruccioli, 10 vols. (Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana), vol. VII (2003), pp. 149-154.
“On the Role of Imaginary Elements in 19th-Century Geometry,” in Around Caspar Wessel and the Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers. Proceedings of the Wessel Symposium at The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, August 11-15 1998, ed. Jesper Lützen, (Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters), 2001, pp. 271–293.
- “In Search of Steiner’s Ghosts: Imaginary Elements in Nineteenth-Century Geometry,” Le nombre une hydre à n visages, ed. Dominique Flament, (Paris: éditions de la Maison des Sciences de L’Homme), 1997, pp. 193-208.
“Klein, Lie, and the Erlanger Programm,” 1830–1930: A Century of Geometry. Epistemology, History and Mathematics, ed. L. Boi, D. Flament, and J.-M. Salanskis (Heidelberg: Springer, 1992), 45–54.
“Klein, Lie, and the Geometric Background of the Erlangen Program,” in D. E. Rowe and J. McCleary, eds., The History of Modern Mathematics: Ideas and their Reception, vol. 1, Boston: Academic Press, 1989, 209-273.
“Felix Klein’s `Erlanger Antrittsrede’: A Transcription with English Translation and Commentary,” Historia Mathematica, 12(1985), 123–141.