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- “On Models and Visualizations of Some Special Quartic Surfaces,” Mathematical Intelligencer, to appear in 40(1), 2018.
- “On Building and Interpreting Models: Four Historical Case Studies,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 39(2) (2017): 6-14.
- “Looking Back on Gauss and Gaussian Legends: Answers to the Quiz from MI, 37(4),” Mathematical Intelligencer, 38(4) (2016): 39-45.
- “Göttingen’s SUB as Repository for the Papers of Distinguished Mathematicians,” Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society, 101(Sept. 2016): 39-44.
- “A Snapshot of Debates on Relativistic Cosmology, 1917-1924 (Part II),” Mathematical Intelligencer, 38(3) (2016): 52-60.
- “A Snapshot of Debates on Relativistic Cosmology, 1917-1924 (Part I),” Mathematical Intelligencer, 38(2) (2016): 46-58.
- “Einstein était préoccupé par L’Etat d’Israël: Trois Questions à David Rowe,” in Antoine Flandrin, “Un sioniste Idéaliste,” La Révolution Einstein: Le Scientifique, L’Homme, Le Pacifiste, Le Monde, Hors-Série, Juillet–Septembre, 2015, 64–67.
- “Einstein und die Anfänge der relativistischen Kosmologie, 1917–1924,” Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft Hamburg, 35(2015): 93-137.
- “Transforming Tradition: Richard Courant in Göttingen,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 37(1) (2015): 20–29.
- (with Robert Schulmann) “General Relativity in the Context of Weimar Culture,” Preprint 456, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2014.
- “Otto Neugebauer’s Vision for Rewriting the History of Ancient Mathematics,” Anabases – Traditions et réceptions de l’Antiquité, 18(2013): 175-196.
- “Mathematics Made in Germany: On the Background to Hilbert’s Paris Lecture,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 35 (3) (2013), 9-20.
- “Mathematical Models as Artefacts for Research: Felix Klein and the Case of Kummer Surfaces,” Mathematische Semesterberichte, 60(1) (2013), 1-24.
- (With Tilman Sauer) “Otto Blumenthal über David Hilbert,” Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 20(2012): 190-191.
- “Einstein and Relativity. What Price Fame?” Science in Context, 25 (2) (2012), 197-246.
- “Otto Neugebauer and Richard Courant: On Exporting the Göttingen Approach to the History of Mathematics,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 34 (2) (2012), 29-37.
- “A Look Back at Hermann Minkowski’s Cologne Lecture ‘Raum und Zeit,”’ Mathematical Intelligencer, 31(2)(2009), 27-39.
- “Max von Laue’s Role in the Relativity Revolution,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 30(3)(2008), 54-60.
- “Felix Klein, Adolf Hurwitz, and the `Jewish Question’ in German Academia,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 29(2)(2007), 18-30.
- “Hilbert’s Early Career: Encounters with Allies and Rivals,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 27(1)(2005), 72-82.
- “Making Mathematics in an Oral Culture: Göttingen in the Era of Klein and Hilbert,”Science in Context, 17(1/2) 2004: 85-129.
- “The Mathematicians’ Happy Hunting Ground: Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 26(2) (2004), 58-66.
- “From Königsberg to Göttingen: A Sketch of Hilbert’s Early Career,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 25(2) (2003), 44-50.
- “Hermann Weyl, the Reluctant Revolutionary,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 25(1) (2003), 61-70.
- “Einstein’s Gravitational Field Equations and the Bianchi Identities,” Mathematical Intelligencer, 24(4) (2002), 57-66.
- “On the Early Reception of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Introductory Remarks on the Studies by Gunter Kohl (Relativität in der Schwebe: Die Rolle von Gustav Mie), Stefan Roehle (Mathematische Probleme in der Einstein–de Sitter Kontroverse), and Lars Rosenberger (Das Problem der Rotation in der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie),” Series of the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Nrs. 208-210 (2002), pp. i-xii.
- “Éloge: Dirk Jan Struik, 1894-2000,” Isis, 93(3) (2002): 456-459.
- “Einstein meets Hilbert: At the Crossroads of Physics and Mathematics,” Physics in Perspective 3 (2001): 379-424.
- “Research Schools in the United States, 1850-1950,” Istoriko-matematicheskie issledovania, 1997, pp. 103-127.
- “Dirk Jan Struik and his Contributions to the History of Mathematics,” (Introductory Essay to the Festschrift Celebrating Struik’s 100th Birthday), Historia Mathematica, 21(3)(1994), 245-273.
- “Der Briefwechsel Sophus Lie-Felix Klein, eine Einsicht in ihre persönlichen und wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen,” NTM. Schriftenreihe für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 25(1) (1988), 37-47.
- “An Interview with Dirk Jan Struik,” NTM. Schriftenreihe für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 25(2)(1988), 5–23; shorter version in The Mathematical Intelligencer, 11(1)(1989), 14–26; Czech translation of NTM interview in Pokroky Matematiky Fyziky & Astronomie, 35(3) (1990), 136–151.
- “Gauss, Dirichlet, and the Law of Biquadratic Reciprocity,” The Mathematical Intelligencer, 10(2) (1988), 13–25.
- “Die Wirkung deutscher Mathematiker auf die amerikanische Mathematik, 1875–1900,” Mitteilungen der mathematischen Gesellschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Heft 3–4, 1988, 72–96.
- “‘Jewish Mathematics’ at Göttingen in the Era of Felix Klein,” Isis, 77(1986), 422–449.
- “Felix Klein’s ‘Erlanger Antrittsrede’: A Transcription with English Translation and Commentary,” Historia Mathematica, 12(1985), 123–141.